(I founded Go Moment in 2014; I’m currently the CEO there.)
1200 feet up. Above the Pacific Ocean. Just off the coast of Malibu.
It was 2012. I remember who to thank for being up there.
I remember the exact time when inspiration hit and what I wanted to do next.
It was an unforgettable experience and I wanted to help everyone have experiences like the one I was having.
And I was going to start my own company to do that.
That inspiration led to a life-changing decision.
I founded Go Moment 2 years later even though I started working on it soon as I was on the ground.
Inspirations are strange things.
It takes years to find one compelling enough to change my life around.
At other times, I need to slow down to make sure I don’t miss them.
What was I doing up there?
I was paragliding. And finding nerdy things up there.
If you know what I am pointing at, we need to connect and chat more.
I posted a version of this post first on my LinkedIn page. It struck up a lovely conversation with my community.