Gratitude for FeedOne

If you don’t give a dime out of a dollar, you won’t give…

…a million out of 10 million, said Tony Robbins once. Who can disagree with that truism?

Numbers tell a story – or at least a part of it. We produce enough food for the 7 billion people on Earth. And yet, 805 million remain undernourished on a daily basis.

At Go Moment, mostly this year, we have helped provide over 12,000 meals to hungry children. We wanted to say thanks for an amazing 2018.  We wanted to do our share to tilt the scales in favor of the 805 million undernourished.


I moved to Los Angeles when I was almost a teenager. After a forced examination of existence itself and some creative raging against the machine, strangely enough, I remember being filled with gratitude. Things were clean and organized in LA in a way I had never before seen, outside of a handful of fancy international airports. I was thankful for the life I was living instead of grieving what I’d left behind. This thankfulness was heightened by the keen awareness that the people I was surrounded by in Los Angeles had very little idea of suffering in other parts of the world. If you didn’t know, I moved here from India where I saw abject poverty and unbelievable wealth walk hand in hand every day.


I express gratitude every day. Perhaps working with people in need is another form of expressing gratitude.

We first supported FeedOne back in 2017. As a non-profit, they ranked incredibly high in transparency and accountability. Personally, I also support and spend time with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Venice. I was first introduced to them by Nick Crooks – a friend whose dedication inspires me tremendously. I can only aspire to his level of service one day.

I’d like to do more. I’ve gained so much from my teachers, advisors, mentors, and elders. I’d like to carve out an opportunity to create positive impact for others.

Everytime I share a story about my personal volunteering, or when folks hear of Go Moment’s efforts, I hear other stories of people helping the underprivileged – working to alleviate hunger or improve education. Thank you for these stories and opportunities; they are hugely inspiring.

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